Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors in HUD1an
Skeletal Fracture Healing
This article identifiesthe underlying molecular events responsible for fracture nonunions ina subset of fracture patients. Expression profiling of fracture callus tissue from both uneventful fracture repair and nonunion outcomes showed a decrease of COX-2 expression and an inability to mount an im mune response in nonunion fractures. Validation in vitro with Saos-2 osteo progenitor cell lines showed a decrease in osteogenesis potential after the cells were treated with celecoxiba COX-2 specific inhibitor and anti-inflam
matory agent. This articl e recapitulates that an initial immune response is
crucial to fracture healing and suggests limitedusage of COX-2 inhibitors in patients with healing fractures.
ib. Th ce11s w r th Iys d by fr :ze/ thaw twic andtotal alkalìn phosphatase actlvJty was m asured by Sigma Di agnostics Alkalìn Phosphatas kit #245
(Sigma DiagnosticsSt LouisMo) at
405 nm on an ELISA plat read r. Alka lìn phosphatas is a s nsitivemarker for osteogen sis. Each experimental conditlOn was r plicated six times and th n
t xperim nt was rep atedtwice with
gus (NSA ID)s aωsw e11 aωs l mal f:racture healing and bon formation Softwar San Diego Calif) to a signifi
newer cyclooxygenase-2 (COX- in rod nts.S.6 Reduction in activity of cance level of P<.O l.
2) specific inhibitors (rofecoxib valde- th COX-2 nzyme ith r through di-
coxib and cel coxib) ar used for th r ct genetic deletion or nzymatic iü- Expression Profiling
treatmentof paìn and ìnflammation ìn pa- bition reduc s osteogenesis in multipl N onunion and fractur ca110us tissu tients with a multitud of conditions. OVI :r assays.S-7 Furtherτnor bon morpho- sampl s w :re removed ìntraop ratively
50 mi11ion pr scriptions for Celebrex genetic prot in-ìnduc d ostωg nesis and immediately flash frozen in liquid
(Pfizer N w York NY) andVioxx (M rck in rod nt models works in part through nitrog n. Sp cim ns wer tak n at the
& Co Inc Whitehouse Station N J) wer dir ct ìnduction of COX-2ρ dir ct site of nonunion or at th Slt of fi11ed ìn 2001 gen ratìng over5 bi11ion th fracture ca11us and not th surround- do11ars in revenue in that y ar alone. A MATERIALS AND METHODS
flurry of r cent editorials have implied arole for COX-2 andmore importantly medications that inhibit this enzym in human acture h ling.1-4 B caus of th profound impact that COX-2 inhibition may have on the tment of patients with h alìngfractures w ask dwh r disruption of COX-2 function could affect human ost ogenesisin vitro and in vivo.
Tissue Cullure
Saos-2 ce11s w r plated and grown to conflu nce ìn96-we11 plat s (10 000 c l1s/ we11). ThC l1 s w r tr at d with c l coxib with or without recombinant human bon morphogenic prot ìn-2 (rhBMP-2) (200 mcg/ml) for 72 hours. Control cellsW re treated with dimethlysulfoxi an org ic solvent used to dissolve cel cox-
Drs Daluiskι Shi Bostro m Nestor and Hotchkiss are from the Hosp I}r Special Sur ger); N Yorà NY; Mr Ramsey and Dr Stephanare from the Neurogenomics Division Program
the Translational Genomics Research Institute PhoenixAriz; and Dr Martin and Hotchkiss are pηm OrthogeneIncNew YorkNY
Reprint requests: Dietrich A. StephanPhD
The Translational Genomics Research Institute
445 N FifthStSte 160 α PhoenixAZ85004
Cel l<ib 100mM +
Figure: The effect of COX-2 specific inhibition on human osteogenic cellline Saos-2. Baseline ALP levels shown in first column indicate the osteogenic natu of the cells. A significant induction of ALP occurs in sponse to rhBMP-2 (200 mcg/mL) (P<.001; one way ANOVA). A dose-dependent reduction in ALP occurs in the presence of the COX-2 inhibitorcelecoxib at 50 and 100 mM (P<.001). A modest but statistically significant difference exists between cells alone (column1) and cells in the presence of celecoxib at 50 mM (P<.01) This diffe nceIS mo pronounced with increased celecoxibdosing (100 mM) (see column 1 versus column
6; P<.001). Abbreviations: ALP=alkaline phosphatase mM=millimolar and rhBMP2=recombinant human bone morphogenic protein-2
ing muscle tissu avoiding all non-callus tissu.The timing of samp1ecoll ctionfor th nonunion fractur s was at tím of surgerytypically 13-33 months. The acut fractur sw r coll ct d within 3 w ks of injury. Norma1 tissu fromfive individua1s (mix d sX s)atanav rag ag of 63 Y ars (rang :35-81 Y ars) and fiv nonunion tissu s (mix d sX s) at an av rag ag of 55 y ars(rang :21-80 y ars) wer coll ct d. Ribonucleic acid(RNA) was iso1atd from ach samp1e using TRIzo1 R ag nt (Invitrog n Corp Car1sbadCalif) using th protoco1 sug g st d by th manufactur r.Two micro grams of tota1 RNA wer poo1d from th nonunion samp1 s and a s parat poo1was construct d from th norma1tíssu for a tota1 of 10 micrograms in
ach pool. This pooling strat gy was
perform d again to produc two replicat s for achclinica1 stat.Tota1 RNA was th n 1abe1 d using stablish d Af
th r is a r markab1 incr as in sp ci
Abbreviations: A=absentALP=alkaline phosphataseM =marginaland P=present.
*Comparing the differencein gene expression levels betweenhealing fractures and fracture nonunions. Tissue taken from e fractu site expressed bone-specc markers such as ALP with onminimaldíe nceinRNA1 el. BMP2two of e BMP type 1 ceptorsand
sev 1 of the necessaη downstream targets are expressed th only minimal dijferences
in levels between the two patientgroups. The COX-2 transcript is expressed 13 times lower
linctu nonunionpatients as co'ared to patients with unctu healing
Th failur of a fractur to unít and hea1 is a significant caus of morbidity. To t st whether or not th r ar 1ll VIVO differ nc s in COX-2 1V ls in humans W coll ct d fra cture sit tissu from
COX-2 is an inflammatory mediator involvedin fracture healingin rodentsand the target of widely presribed anti-inflammatoryagents.
Human fracture healing operates througha bottleneck in COX-2 that when inac
tiveresultsin chronicnonunion fractures.
Patients should not be prescribed COX-2 inhibitors in the first weeks after fracture.
• The Neurogenomics Dívísíon ofTGen advocates timely díssemínation ofdata from genomíc screens. Thís web síte provídes bo supplementary and raw data files for publícations from the Dívísíon. The web address where the data for ís study ís hosted ís: http://ww\ tgen.orglneurogenomicsldata. Another resourcethat ís of use íse NIH Neuroscíence.
•Mícroarray Consortium ( The consortium ís m de up of fours síteslocated at T GenYaleDuke and UCLA.These four genome ínstitutes
F ovíde expression profiling and single-nucleotide polymorphism scanning exper
tise and servicesto a user base of approxim tely 10 o scíentists aαoss e coun
I 1. All data is eely díssemínated to further scientific inquiry at six months after
project completion
•The Gene Expressíon Omníbus (GEO) is anothercentral dataclearinouse for expresslOn proling experiments for le research communíty. This resource can be found athttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govlgeol.
patients with un V ntful fracture h aling in th human ost oprogenitor c 11 1in and patients with fracture non lons Saos-2. Th s C l1s show an induction xpression profi1ed th two classesand of a1ka1in phosphatase in r sponse to then p rforrn d a stringent supervised tr atment with rhBMP2 (Figur). In th
ana1ysis.τn nonunion patients had presence of ce1 coxiba significant (d
a 13-fo1d reduction in 10ca1 1eve1s of dose-dep nd nt) reduction in a1ka1inCOX-2 xpression (Supp1 m ntary In- phosphatas occurs. This inhibition a1so formation). This nascent1ack of COX-2 occurs toth a1kaline phosphatase base-presumab1y cu1minat s in an inability to lin l V 1 in th S c l1sindicating that hea1 throughan inabi1ity to initiat a 10- COX-2 inhibition reduc s th ost og - ca1 immune r spons This findingwas ic potentia1 of human osteoprog nitor fo11owed by in vitro validation. ce11s. ThusBMP-induced ostωg eSlS
r quires prostag1andin synth SlS Vla
DISCUSSION COX-2 in humans similarto that found
To t st wh th :r COX-2 function is in mic and rats.5
n C ssary for bone mohogenic pro-
t in (BMP)-induc d osteog n sis w CONCLUSION
m asur d a1kalin phosphatas function Inhibition of COX-2 caus s a r duc-
tion in ost ogenesis inhumanfractures. Bas d on our datawe sugg st limitingth us of traditiona1 NSAIDsas w 11 as th more se1ectiveCOX-2 inhibitors in patients with healingfractur ?sp cia11y among e1d r1y pati nts with co morbid conditions. Prosp ctive clinica1tria1s are n C ssary to validate the effect of thes m dications on fractur h a1-ing rat to det rrnin th tru impact on this 1arg S gm nt of the popu1ation. :!;
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