2012-01-30 文章来源:骨科在线 我要说
Date:2012-5-23~ 2012-5-25
Date:2012-5-23~ 2012-5-25
Mission statement
“EFORT works on behalf of the European orthopaedic and traumatology community to restore and secure mobility, musculoskeletal health and quality of life.”
“EFORT works on behalf of the European orthopaedic and traumatology community to restore and secure mobility, musculoskeletal health and quality of life.”
Who we are
EFORT is the umbrella organisation linking Europe‘s national orthopaedic associations. Its aims reflect the will of all the participating associations to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge and experience in the field of prevention and both the conservative and surgical treatment of diseases and injuries concerning the musculo-skeletal system. To this end, particular emphasis is placed upon activities focusing on education and research.
EFORT was established by the national associations for orthopaedics and traumatology from twenty European countries. The Federation was founded in Marentino, Italy, in 1991, and today has 42 national member societies from 43 member countries, as well as six associate scientific members.
EFORT today also promotes collaboration with the European Specialty Societies and has established close links to International Societies.
In terms of its legal structure, EFORT was established as a non-profit organisation and all funds are used exclusively in the pursuit of the Federation‘s aims.
Our objectives
EFORT is established as a pan-European partner for international organisations, authorities, universities, industry, scientific bodies and professional and patient organisations in the field of musculoskeletal disease and trauma. As a non-profit professional organisation, EFORT provides important services and benefits. EFORT‘s primary mission comprises the:
Our objectives
EFORT is established as a pan-European partner for international organisations, authorities, universities, industry, scientific bodies and professional and patient organisations in the field of musculoskeletal disease and trauma. As a non-profit professional organisation, EFORT provides important services and benefits. EFORT‘s primary mission comprises the:
- Representation of state-of-the-art orthopaedics and musculoskeletal traumatologyin Europe
- Promotion of research, science and training in orthopaedics and traumatology in Europe
- Exchange of scientific experience and knowledge and the improvement of education and training
- Formulation of EFORT standards and guidelines for the various areas of activity pursued by our members.