骨科在线专访Freddie Fu 教授

2012-05-07 文章作者:flyingshade 点击量:4077   我要说


Freddie Fu教授接受骨科在线专访

1.Orthonline: Professor Freddie Fu, it’s an hornor to interview you again, since we did our first interview last year
骨科在线 :Freddie H Fu教授您好,很高兴再次采访到您。
Prof. Freddie Fu: I remember.
Freddie Fu教授:是的,我还记得去年的采访。
Orthonline: Yes, thanks for joining us. What progress have we made since last year in the field of arthroscopy and sports medicine ?
Freddie Fu: 
Well I think that we realised that we must be very precise in our approach to do the surgery in term of anatomy.I presume those surgeries are very good but very fast in the vision and doctors sometimes shy away from getting back to the normal structure but now the enphasis now is the normal structure, as much as we can ,OK?  So that’s one. Number 2 is that we must look at the outcome in a higher level. Because if you look at the outcome measurement at a low level, you think the results are good, but actually not very good. This is the problem,OK?
So with low standard, then you do bad surgery , you think you did a good surgery , I don’t think it’s a good surgery. So you must now raise the level more critical , you know,the ability to look at the the results, OK?
Freddie Fu教授:第一,我们意识到了精确解剖的重要性,第二,检视手术成功与否的标准还要再提高。
2.Orthonline: We noticed that in the presentation that you’ve gave us just now, you quoted Mr. Kim the president of world bank ,you said “Other countries are making the same mistakes as the US”, what about China? Do you think we’ve made the same mistake ?
骨科在线:在刚才的演讲中,您引用了卫生专家、即将担任新一任世界银行(World Bank)行长的金墉(Jim Yong Kim)教授的话说,在医疗领域“美国犯过的错误,其他国家正在效法”,您认为中国也是如此吗?
Prof. Freddie Fu: Well I hoped that you won’t make the same mistakes. Because I think China is also a country very exciting, lot of new medical things , but I think that before they move on too fast they should look on the results carefully,because in America we try to change even before we look the results, so essencially even before the results are in sth new already come along, so you never really know the results are good from the last treatment.
Freddie Fu教授: 我当然希望中国避免犯同样的错误。中国是一个令人激动的国家,每年有许多新的医疗技术,但是是不是一定要走得那么快呢?我看还是先要仔细看看这些新技术、新措施的效果如何。在美国由于技术发展太快,在一项医疗技术的结果还没有充分验证之前,就又采取了新的医疗手段,这样可能导致最后不知道原来采用的技术,究竟成效如何。
3.Orthonline: We noticed that you’ve a deep and frequent communication with the Chinese doctors, could you give us a shot perspective on the future communication?
Freddie Fu: Well I think that the principles are the same. You must work on basic principle.
Anything on the principle. Not just on the quick idea
You must look at your results more critically . And you work with nature. Don’t work against nature . nature is very important .
Freddie Fu教授:大原则是相同的。中国医生要在掌握基本原则上下功夫,不要走捷径,对任何一项医疗措施,都要仔细检视其最终成效。还有,像我刚才报告里提到的“work with nature”,nature 是非常重要的。
