Dynesys 动态固定系统与腰椎相邻节段退变的研究进展 (英文)
第一作者:张 阳
2013-08-02 点击量:622 我要说
张阳 李放
In recent years, the lumbar non-fusion technique remains a hot research topic in spine surgery, and the Dynesys dynamic stabilization system is one of the most widely applied non-fusion techniques clinically. The system is designed to stabilize the operated segments and meanwhile preserve some mobility, so as to prevent the stress concentration of adjacent segments and relieve adjacent segment degeneration. Many clinical studies show that the Dynesys system could have satisfied clinical results, but at present there are still some controversies about the role of the Dynesys dynamic stabilization system in reducing adjacent segment degeneration. The biomechanical and clinical research about the role of the Dynesys system in preventing adjacent segment degeneration is reviewed in this article, to provide clinical evidence.