Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Intraosseous Injection of rhBMP-2/Calcium Phosphate Matrix Improves Bone Structure and Strength in the Proximal Aspect of the Femur in Chronic Ovariectomized Nonhuman Primates

第一作者:Howard J. Seeherman

2013-01-16 点击量:703   我要说

Howard J. Seeherman, PhD, VMD; X. Jian Li, MD; Erica Smith, PhD

Jascha Parkington, MS; Rebecca Li, PhD John M. Wozney, PhD

Osteoporosis results in a decrease in bone density, bone quality, and strength throughout the skeleton. Despite systemic therapies, the morbidity and mortality that are associated with hip fractures remain a major consequence of osteoporosis.


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