2010-08-01 文章作者:admin 点击量:1813 我要说
This is a Mime Mail component module (for use by other modules).
- It permits users to recieve HTML email and can be used by other modules. The mail functionality accepts an HTML message body, mime-endcodes it and sends it.
- If the HTML has embedded graphics, these graphics are MIME-encoded and included as a message attachment.
- Adopts your site's style by automatically including your theme's stylesheet files in a themeable HTML message format
- If the recipient's preference is available and they prefer plaintext, the HTML will be converted to plain text and sent as-is. Otherwise, the email will be sent in themeable HTML with a plaintext alternative.
This module is required by the Send module.
This project is based on work efforts by Robert Castelo, Gerhard Killesreiter and Allie Micka