Preoperative Risk Stratification and Risk Reduction for Total Joint Reconstruction: AAOS Exhibit Selection

第一作者:Vincent Y. Ng

2013-02-22 点击量:1292   我要说

Vincent Y. Ng, MD1; David Lustenberger, BS1; Kimberly Hoang, BS1;Ryan Urchek, BS1

Matthew Beal, MD1; Jason H. Calhoun, MD1; Andrew H. Glassman, MD1

Demand for primary total hip arthroplasty and demand for total knee arthroplasty in the United States are anticipated to grow by 174% and 673%, respectively, over the next twenty years1. Satisfaction rates are good to excellent in most patients2-4. Modern techniques and perioperative care have reduced systemic and local complications5-7. Nevertheless, the risks of major adverse outcomes (2.2% to 7.4%)8-10 and death (0.1% to 0.8%)5,7-9,11-19 remain real. Careful preoperative clearance and targeted therapeutic interventions are necessary to minimize complications.

