

2011-06-01 点击量:2837   我要说

摘要:目的 探讨应用Fastin骨锚固定治疗创伤性胸锁关节前脱位的技术,并分析其初步疗效.方法 对2006年3月至2008年4月应用Fastin骨锚固定的14例创伤性胸锁关节前脱位患者的临床资料及手术结果进行回顾性分析,男9例,女5例;年龄21~46岁(平均35岁),术前通过X线片和CT确诊.手术先将胸锁关节复位后用克氏针临时固定,然后于胸骨柄拧入骨锚,骨锚尾部缝线穿过锁骨内侧端并牢固打结.术后3周取出克氏针,进行肩关节功能锻炼.结果 14例患者术后均获12~22个月(平均17个月)随访.随访期间无关节的复位丢失和内固定松动,肩关节功能按Rockwood标准评定:优11例,良3例.结论 Fastin骨锚能够可靠固定胸锁关节脱位,避免了长期滞留克氏针造成的潜在危险,有利于关节功能的恢复.
Abstract:Objective To discuss the treatment of traumatic anterior sternoclavicular joint disloca-tion with Fastin anchors. Methods A retrospective analysis was done for 14 patients with traumatic anterior sternoclavicular joint dislocation who had been treated with Fastin anchors from March 2006 to April 2008. They were 9 males and 5 females, with an average age of 35 years (range, 21 to 46 years) . Their diagnoses were confirmed by X-ray and CT scan. After reduction and temporary Kirschner wire fixation of the sternoclavicular joint, the anchor was driven into the manubrium sterni, with the suture at the end of the anchor securely knotted after passing through the internal extremity of clavicle. The Kirschner wire was re-moved after 3 weeks. Results All the patients were followed up for 12 to 22 months (average, 17 months). The results were excellent in 11, good in 3 according to Rockwood scale. There was no loss of re-duction or implant loosening. Conclusion Fastin anchor can fix the sternoclavicular joint reliably, avoiding potential risk of Kirschner wire migration and ensuring fine functional recovery of the joint.