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   Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (中文:《骨与关节外科杂志》,简称JBJS)在过去100年中一直是骨科医生和研究人员最为推崇的信息源,也是骨科领域同行评议类科研信息的金标准。本杂志发表循证研究报告,以改进骨科病人的医疗质量。其内容涵盖了骨科的各个次级分科,从而可以减少订阅多本杂志的需要。从所发表文章的科学性到提供的客户服务等。


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Differences in Outcomes Following Total Ankle Replacement in P ... Robin M. Queen 2013年第21期
One-to-One Therapy Is Not Superior to Group or Home-Based Ther ... Victoria Ko 2013年第21期
Histologic, Serologic, and Tribologic Findings in Failed Metal ... Christopher E. Pelt 2013年第21期
Local Infiltration Analgesia Followed by Continuous Infusion o ... Olga Solovyova 2013年第21期
Return of Motor Function After Repair of a 3-cm Gap in a Rabbi ... Tatevik Sahakyants 2013年第21期
Topical (Intra-Articular) Tranexamic Acid Reduces Blood Loss a ... Sattar Alshryda 2013年第21期
The Value of Intraoperative Histology in Predicting Infection ... Shahryar Ahmadi 2013年第21期
Comparison of Distal Soft-Tissue Procedures Combined with a Di ... Yu-Bok Park 2013年第21期
Mid-Term Outcome After Curettage with Polymethylmethacrylate f ... Lizz van der Heijden 2013年第21期
Complications, Reoperation Rates, and Health-Care Cost Followi ... Shivanand P. Lad 2013年第21期
Mechanisms and Risk Factors of Brachial Plexus Injury in the T ... Elizabeth R.A. Joiner 2013年第21期
Functional Outcomes After Total Shoulder Arthroplasty in Obese ... Xinning Li 2013年第21期
Use of Porous Tantalum for Acetabular Reconstruction in Revisi ... Paul S. Issack 2013年第21期
Challenging the Anxiety Over Coronal Plane Deformity: Commenta ... Ross A. Benthien 2013年第21期
Latissimus Dorsi Transfer Results Endure Over Time: Commentary ... Guido Marra 2013年第21期


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